Best Hangers For T-Shirts & Sweaters

The best way to prevent your clothing from getting worn out quickly is to take better care of your threads! This starts with quality closet organization and the type of hangers you use. You may not think of hangers as essential for clothing care, but they are right up there with proper washing and drying techniques.

Not all clothing is created equal and neither are hangers! You’re going to want to use specific types for specific pieces of clothing. Some people like to fold their sweaters and t-shirts, but this can cause wrinkles – especially for the latter! What’s more, folded sweaters take up a lot of closet space.

Give your clothing a little bit more room to breathe and use hangers. Additionally, you will have a better idea of what you actually own when you can see everything hanging in one place.

Let’s explore the best hanger options for t-shirts and sweaters!

The Best Sweater Hangers

You’ve likely already read somewhere that you should always fold your sweaters. That’s just not true! You can save a lot of space by hanging them.

The best hangers for sweaters are large, curved, and sturdy. When hanging heavy clothing, it’s important to use a hanger that is strong enough to support the extra weight. This is where a quality wooden hanger comes in handy! Because these hangers feature curves, you won’t have to worry about deforming or stretching out your clothing. And that’s always a plus!

If you’re working with lightweight sweaters, you can opt for a velvet hanger instead. As they are lighter than their heavily knitted counterparts, you don’t need to worry about using a heavy-duty wooden option. The velvet also helps the sweaters to stay put and not slip off.

How To Prevent Shoulder Bumps on Your Clothing

With all this talk about hangers for t-shirts and sweaters, you may be wondering about pesky shoulder bumps that can appear on clothing if you use a cheap wire hanger. Shoulder bumps can happen on t-shirts, sweaters, and even blouses. It’s a result of using a hanger that’s too small, and as mentioned, it happens a lot with wire varieties.

You can prevent shoulder bumps from appearing on your clothing by using extra-wide hangers made from wood (padding is a plus!) or velvet.

If you’re in a crunch and need a shoulder bump solution fast, hang your sweater on a hook in your bathroom while you shower. The steam from the hot water can help get the bumps out of the fabric in a hurry.

The Best Hangers for T-Shirts

As t-shirts are usually made from a very lightweight fabric, you have a little bit more choice as far as hangers go. You can definitely continue to opt for wooden or velvet options, but you can also feel free to use plastic hangers – if they are well-made. Again, you should always stay away from wire hangers if you can. They can result in damaged clothing if they break, rust, or leave unsightly shoulder bumps!

The first step to taking good care of your clothing is opting for the correct hangers. Start here, and you can’t go wrong!

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