How to Finally Clean out Your Closet for Good

When it comes to cleaning out a wardrobe closet, the hardest thing is getting started.  One piece of good advice is: don’t think of cleaning out your closet all in one day.  Instead, take an item of clothes, let’s say your jeans, and go through them. I know that most of us women have our SKINNY jeans AND our FAT jeans (and the same for everything else), AND we all know the old adage of getting rid of anything that has not been worn for more than 6 months.  But ladies, let’s all be realistic.  We do need both our SKINNY and FAT CLOTHES.  So, I am going to go against the grain and say, DON’T GET RID OF EVERYTHING, but get rid of stuff you really won’t ever wear again – like those orange stonewashed jeans that ALMOST made a comeback, but didn’t.

I would also go so far as to say that if cleaning out your closet creates anxiety within, purge one item a day (as above), but skip a few days in between.  Think of it as a closet diet.  When we diet, we don’t expect to lose 10 pounds in one day.  We know it should take a month or more.  The same goes for your closet.  If you are cleaning out your closet by yourself, put yourself on a closet diet, taking the necessary time to go through one item at a time – and doing at a pace that will not stress you out.



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Why Hangers Matter?

When we think about organizing our closets, it’s easy to overlook the humble hanger. We often focus on clothing organization, closet layout, or even the