Types of Clothes Hangers You Need in Your Closet

Do you like what you see when you open your closet door? Rows of neatly hung slacks, silk tops and sweaters followed by suit coats and scarves on beautiful wooden hangers… Wait!  You don’t have custom hangers in your closet? Well, let’s talk about why your clothes deserve them!

Believe it or not, types of hangers matter.  Knowing when to use wooden hangers as opposed to those with velvet tops, why the best pant hangers will leave your work slacks sharply creased and your party trousers ready to impress, makes all the difference to your high end wardrobe.  Your beautiful clothing deserves the care that only luxury hangers provide.

The State of Your Clothing Tells a Story

Studies show that your choice of clothing not only influences how you think and feel about yourself, it also influences how others think and feel about you.  It’s undeniable that the state of your clothing speaks a lot about you, professionally and personally.

Are your clothes wrinkly, stretched in odd places, or have unwanted snags or creases? Or is your clothing clean and pressed, neat, and projecting a natural confidence? Perhaps you want to project competence in the workplace, or infuse a social situation with your unique style. Molly Reynolds of Inc.com, states “Your clothes tell a story about you. If you want to show that your work is clean, sharp, and to the point, you need to dress in clean lines, sharp creases, and (yes) points on your shoes and tie.” (Reynolds, Molly https://www.inc.com/molly-reynolds/research-shows-that-the-clothes-you-wear-actually-change-the-way-you-perform.html)

In addition to the style of your clothing, the state of your clothing speaks volumes to others, showcasing qualities that you want others to observe about you.
How you care for your clothing has an immense impact on the image you project.  Just as an actor prepares for his/her role by dressing in character in order to feel the part, your mental and physical preparation each day begins with your daily dressing ritual.  However, preparation for a successful work day or a fulfilling social experience begins even before you dress.  The care and storage of your well earned plumage is critical to preserving the investment in your image.

Luxury Hangers Preserve the Life and Look of Your Clothing

How do you differentiate between styles and types of hangers? How do you know which type of custom hanger is best suited for each item of clothing in your custom wardrobe?  When considering luxury hangers, it’s best to commence with the fabric of the clothing you’ll hang on them, as well as the cut and style of the garment.  Wooden Hangers, for instance, help maintain the shape and feel of a heavier garment such as a suit coat or overcoat. They are much less prone to breakage and do not lose their shape over time.  To avoid stretched shoulders in your tout ensemble, choose a hanger that has a similar width to the accoutre. Velvet topped hangers are often best for lightweight, soft or silky fabrics, as they minimize snags and do not let clothing bunch at the edges or slip to the floor.  The best pant hangers will preserve desired creases while minimizing wrinkles and stretching.
Be confident in the care for your habiliment by consulting with the founder of AHU herself to be absolutely sure you have the best hangers in your closet. Custom hangers ordered right here will preserve your wardrobe to empower your image.


To Put Things Concisely

–  Consider the image you want to project.
–  Choose clothing that fits that image.
–  Select custom and luxury hangers best suited to your unique wardrobe.
–  Live and work, confident in your image.


Custom and luxury hangers. The affluence your clothing craves. The image you desire.



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